Member Inquiries, Feedback and Testimonials

Message: CUU and BXX

I'm inclined to agree with you drandres, but I would suggest that welcomed and informed negative criticism is not what we're experiencing in this instance.

What we are seeing is one person creating multiple aliases per day with which to post libelous accusations about other posters and certain company and IR staff. While he may or may not be right (as it remains untested in the courts), there is absolutely zero evidence or facts being posted.

I believe the current level of activity goes far beyond bashing. Without any evidence being posted, it is in fact libelous.

Further, after reading his blog a couple of days ago, I saw that he mentions that he had threatened one IR individual that he will "go the police and or securities commisions if that individual does not resign immediately." What this represents is his public admission of engaging in Blackmail.

We really do not need people on here that openly engage in blackmail regardless of whether he truley has uncovered anything nefarious going on. I'm all for openly critical posts based on valid due diligence. I'm even open to stretched "what if" scenarios as I believe it's important to explore all possible upside/downside possibilities.

However, if this poster truly has proof of wrongdoing, his first and only recourse should be to present it to the appropriate authorities. Blackmail should never enter the discussion. And his spamming allegations to forum boards without posting the supporting facts... reeks of ulterior motives that do not include trying to right the wrongs he perceives.

PS: I also believe that many HLs are overly eager to click the delete button on anything negative. I feel that AG needs a better method to curtail this type of activity as well.

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