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Message: EEStor Highlighting Fraudulent EESU US7033406 on Company Web Site

EEstor Corp must believe everyone are suckers.  The company highlighting EEStor's fraudulent EESU technology US7033406 on it's web site, https://eestorcorp.com/investor/

There NEVER was an EESU meeting the patent specs.  Dck Weir attempted to defraud the USDOD, AFRL, and SANDIA with his fraudulent EESU.  When the AFRL directed Weir to submit EESU samples for testing, Weir's reply was he lost the samples and could not find them.  

Weir and Clifford may be able to sucker investors with EEScam's EESU story but they never will sucker cap companies which have their own research scientist and cap experts as Zogbi found out when he couldn't get any one of his global based customers to sign a license agreement for EEScam's product ready low cost disruptive cap, hehehe.



Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 7:20 AM
Subject: RE: Emailing: United States Patent 7466536.htm
"Dear ----, Thanks for the info, but I already read it. Find it amusing to follow D##k Weir's
slick scheme and how long he has been able to keep it going. Patent or not, he has never
produced a prototype that anyone has seen, and there are good reasons he hasn't; the design
approach is not feasible based on very basic physics and materials characteristics. See
attached note from several years ago, same, same today. I remember having numerous
communications with D##k Weir and could never get him to provide any test data, samples,
anything real, etc. He said that he had some samples but they were lost and he couldn't find
them. At that time he was looking for a few M$ to set up a production line, and couldn't be
bothered making just a mere sample. As time went on he managed to convince them what has the money to back him based on the production line story. Zenn motors & L‐M. He was supposed to deliver a unit to Zenn a couple of years ago, now it is promised in late 09, ha ha, of course he will need some for additional funding to get the production line operational. Still can't believe that L‐M was taken in by his bull shit and no prototype."

Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:01 AM
Subject: RE: EEStor ‐ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"It has been well over five years since ---k and I first had dialogues with D##k Weir (EEStor
chief alchemist) about his miraculous claims. At that time it was requested he submit a
sample to demonstrate the reality of the claims. He replied that he had previously made and
tested samples but they were all gone, lost or destroyed. When asked why he couldn't make
some more very small proof of principle samples; his reply was that his objective was to set
up a high volume production line but needed several million dollars to accomplish it. Over
the intervening years he managed to get millions from Zenn Motors, L‐M and various venture
capitalists. To this very date he has never produced a single working sample of the
dielectric, nor has Northrop Grumman. A simple analysis of the various recipes conflicts
with basic physics and the known characteristics of the materials; unless we allow for a
slight modification in the speed of light. Of course this is something that we must ignore to
avoid offending those who have faith in this cult of electro‐pornographic fiction. We are all
waiting with bated breath for the messiah to return from space with sample in hand and
without the millions of dollars, well spent of course."



Also Dr. Nanocarbons has proven EESU patent is bogus in multiple ways beyond Weirs inability to reproduce the results!  Read the EEStor Chapter in The Arts of Truth

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