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Message: Capman's Post Deleted by Stockhouse There is Nothing Defaming!

The yayboob pumpers of EEStor Corp got stockhouse.com to delete Capman's recent post.  This proves beyond a reasonable doubt stockhouse.com is aiding and abetting in EEScam's fraudulent "disruptive" stories.  This is the post deleted by stockhouse which is documented and date stamped,

Capman3 Posted August 13, 2018  Post# 28451901

Licensing not likely, revisision

Why, IMHO, a license is very unlikely;

1. The whole electronic industry is running flat out these days. Capacitor delivery’s are out to 12 weeks. Experienced people are hard to find, just like everywhere. For anyone to divert scarce resources to installing a new line, would be the height of foolishness.

2. It is one thing if it’s a simple process, that assures compatibility and profit. BUT, EEStore has neither of those qualities. To a current manufacturer of capacitors, it would mean an isolated line, since their CMBT/silica by itself, or with glass, or polymer is a contaminant to the other lines. (Imagine being the engineer responsible for a yield bust, or product recall?)

3. Believe it or not, there is an NIH factor when the technical staff of the potential partner is asked to consider a new product line.

4. EEStor does not have the capacity to provide several KG of CMBT to support a top-tier evaluation in-house.

5. Insofar as the CMBT/polymer dielectric is concerned, who would want to compete with DuPont or 3-M, a key supplier? Besides, that niche is adequately covered.

6. There is no rational view that EEStor would be an ethical or dependable partner. EEStor is not an unknown, and is derided at component conferences.

7. There is no comfortable view that EEStor understands the cost of their product, or the marketability of it. It is not cheaper if it uses more process steps, and likely has an environmental impact with their process water, and the use of a silane, which a quick google search will show concerns. Their fantasy that it “seals the goodness in” is just that. CMBT’s common failure mode is losing Oxygen. The real capacitor people have better ways to handle that, else Base Metal Electrodes would never have happened. Their degree of control is demonstrated in barrier layer capacitors, which have an apparent K of over 30,000 but stable temperature and field effects.

8. EEStor has NO person on their staff who has experience in a real capacitor facility. Imagine BKK interfacing with an SME? “Let me show you my white papers!”

9. It is certainly recognized that EEStor attempts to influence naive stockholders, not potential partners.

10. Imagine even contemplating a partnership with a company that has never sold a single product in 15 years, and has seldom kept a promise? Sure, that’s who I would partner with!

Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard/v.esu/eestor-corporation?postid=28451901#tuyqZrJoKc3ZTAP2.99

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