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Message: A Perfect Storm?

It seems we have a perfect storm; (Of course, IMHO)


1. No Product. 


They have 3 prototype classes: 


1.1 A copper foil with a ceramic/polymer dielectric which is already a saturated product that no cap company would want. It has been around for 20 years, and is supplied in the US  by DuPont and 3M in large sheets, with stable and qualified parameters. It is used as a buried layer INSIDE PC boards, not on the surface as normal capacitors are. So, no cap company wants to develop a whole new marketing organization or compete with a key supplier.  It would be counter productive and an expensive diversion for companies already straining capacity.


1.2 A glass-ceramic for mid-K application that probably needs precious metal electrodes and has a K of about 900. Typical for this company, they seem to be ignorant of the current state-of-the-art. The mid K region is supplied by a dozen manufacturers using nickel electrodes, with K’s over 3000. They sell for pennies. 1000 times the volumetric efficiency of the EEStore samples, at a tenth of the cost. Think that’s a great prospec.


1.3 The third “product proposal” is a high K material, that is basically the Hansen dielectric they pointed out in their first patent, which they claimed a K of 30,000 but with little drop-off in capacitance with field up to 300 v/micron. Turns out, they were wildly optimistic, it drops by 75% at only 1 v/micron, which renders it useless for energy storage,  their “raisin d’etre” and sucked in tens of millions, now apparently lost.


2. No prospects:


They have I’ve been sampling their products, supposedly for months, with no obvious interests by the “top tier”. Now they are seeking “joint ventures”


Really? Does anyone really think a JV is simpler or more likely than evaluating a couple samples?


3. No money



As better described in the posts below, they are out of money, apparently, and are willing to risk the whole  company on the chance of more PP money,in the short term. Wouldn’t the PP’s already have contributed?

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