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Message: Another Slick EEScam Pumper Con Artist Tonyynot
This con artist sounds like the professional scambagger from PLI Francois Desloges:
August2009 – znn trading at $5.95 – “it is my view that the EEStorEESU is real, will be delivered this year (2009) and in volume next year, and will blow away the competition. And then, all hell will break loose withrespect to our share price.”

August 2009 - When the full import oftheir EESU begins to sink in, there is no telling where the price will go. Not only will ZENN have near exclusive access for purpose of electric vehicles, but the perceived value of EEStore will raise like a behemoth...... The EESU will not explode, but I predict that the ZENN share price will!

The EESU will not explode,but I predict that the ZENN share price will! .... To me, itseems most likely that delivery will be announced this year, (2009) and theshares of ZENN will never again see single digits.

Sept 2009 – (znn trading at 3.95) - I am more and more convinced that we are on the cusp of major developments in the EEStor story.

First, I still believe that EEStor, Inc. will announce certification of EESU components “at voltage” before the end of September 2009. This will garner much press coverage (my god,perhaps they do have something here), and the ZENN market cap will double.......During the first quarter 2010,road tests go well and much publicity is had. ZENN enters into serious negotiation with a number of auto manufacturers. EEStor announces that they have confirmed licensing Lockheed Martin to build several production lines to build EESUs for a variety of military and security purposes. Financial terms are not disclosed, but speculation is that the initial output will have a value of several hundred millions of dollars per annum in royalty payments to EEStor.

During the second half of 2010, EEStor is announcing licensing agreements on average every two weeks. Included are major cell phone companies,power tool manufacturers, etc., etc.

ZENN announces that it is in discussion with “several” major automobile manufacturers. Ford Motor Company confirms that they have agreed ona licensing formula for utilizing the ZENNergy Drive in two or three models.Ford also announces that any ZENNergy Drive vehicle can pull up to a Forddealer at any time for a full re-charge in less than 5 minutes. ZENN stockvalue doubles again. Shortly afterward, Toyota, Honda or Nissan announce a similar deal. (My guess is Nissan will be the first)
During the first half of 2011, several major electrical power utilities confirm that they are undertaking feasibility studies for “majorupgrades to the grid, utilizing large banks of EESUs”.
And on, and on it goes. And ZENN stock doubles once more. In 2012,Carl Walter Nelson and Richard Dean Weir are nominated to receive the Nobelprize for chemistry and physics.

Oct 2009 - But the downside is only about $5 a share. The upside is, ina fairly short time, from 10 to 100 times the $5.

If and when the EESU isready for manufacturing ramp-up (demonstrated, UL approved, model productionline up and running and ZENN having several EEStor-powered cars on thestreet) EEStor will go public. My prediction is that EEStor will sellapproximately 20 percent of public shares to the public. I predict this becausethen EEStor's founders will still retain about 51% control of the company. Iwould bet that EEStor will sell about 40 million shares @ $50with outstanding shares of 200 million. This will raise 2 billion dollarsfor the initial manufacturing ramp-up and will give EEStor an initial marketcap of ten billion dollars. ZENN will own about 8.5 percent of the EEStorshares (after its prorated share of the 40 million sold is deducted from its10.7 percent) or about 17 million public shares. I believe these events willcause ZENN's share price to rise to about $25. At this point ZENN will alsoannounce a public offering of about 28 million of its shares (I use thisnumber to make the math easy but IMO 20 to 40 million new ZENN shares will beissued). This public offering will go off at about $20 per share and will raise$560 million dollars which ZENN will use for developing its businessesof marketing and retrofitting EESUs and for protecting itscontractual rights. ZENN will have 68 million shares fully diluted. ZENNwill not have a seat on the EEStor board and will come under pressure tospin-off its EEStor shares to its shareholders, which ZENN will do. Each ZENNshareholder will get one EEstor share for every 4 ZENN shares owned. Aholder of 4000 ZENN shares will then have 1000 EEStor shares.All IMHO.

Rosesny, I do very muchlike your analysis, but I think that EEStor will delay going public for a fewyears, and that amounts involved will then be 5-10 times your estimates.

I also have faith in EEStor because of the principals of that firmand their work history and life long integrity. But not blindfaith. They are "real scientists that are onto something veryspecial". And I have always maintained that final delivery of anEESU may take longer than expected. But when delivered and if at the sametime they receive UL certification and are able to prove that they can pump outproduct on an automated assembly line, then the sky is the limit.

Dec 2009 - Combining estimated annual profit potential from Zenn operations withtheir estimated potential from their ownership in EEStor, theZNNshares would reach a market value in the area of $450.
Of course, first a working production line EESU must be deliveredand demonstrated, as well as indications of rapid and successful ramp-up ofproduction lines. And, darn, not all of this is likely to happen this year.But, in my humble opinion, it will happen!

Rawcolt, as anotherposter was kind enough to point out just yesterday, I am already on record assaying that I strongly believe that we will reach $30 by August 2010, and $100by August of 2012.
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