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Message: Must Be A Slow Day in Richard Dickee Scott's Slack EEScam La La Land

Dickee Scott rehashes BS from 2013 to cheer the ahole yayboobs, hahaha.

"Dr. Rick Ulrich , Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Arkansas was chosen for the third party examination of the EEStor modules.  EEStor provided Dr. Ulrich access to data and materials related to EEStor’s Composition Modified Barium Titanate (CMBT) powder.
Dr. Ulrich said, “Dielectrics with the properties shown here would provide unprecedented amounts of capacitance per area.  The possibility of obtaining ferroelectric-sized permittivities with the stability of a paraelectric material is very exciting.  A dielectric with a permittivity of 1000 is considered high in current capacitor technology, so materials with the permittivities reported here would be an important breakthrough.”
Permittivity goes to the capacity of a material.  Next Dr. Ulrich discussed the effect of voltage with, “Capacitor dielectrics that show very large permittivities tend to lose storage capacity as voltage increases.  It’s long been a goal of the dielectric community to solve this problem.”
“Materials like this would find immediate applications in both signal and power electronics,” Ulrich said. “While there is still work to do in order make these dielectrics suitable for powering electric cars, this level of power storage represents a significant advance in the art.”In addition to the third party work Dr. Ulrich performed, personnel from System Engineering and Laboratories (“SEAL”), a professional engineering organization headquartered in Tyler, Texas using the following testing equipment including a QuadTech 1715 LCR Digibridge LCR, Keyence GT2-212K, Yokogawa WT3000, Stanford Research PS350/5000B-24W reported the following results.  The manufacture date of tested layers was Nov. 27, 2012.  SEAL has verified the following parameters:
EEStor Test Results Jan 2013. Click image for the largest view.
The data aren’t the best results, but indicate that the benefits of the paraelectric dielectric path are being delivered through EEStor engineering processes and in a pilot production line facility. The samples were chosen to show results with low leakage, some for permittivity. Most importantly, as applied voltage was increased across the samples, there was no detectable degradation of layer capacitance or relative permittivity (i.e.; polarization saturation), thus exhibiting fundamental evidence of paraelectric behavior of the manufactured layers.
EEStor is likely still tuning the production line.  Next would be certification of pre-production sample layers produced by the pilot production line. Layers will then be available for purchase by qualified commercial buyers for their independent testing purposes. After layer certification, EEStor, Inc. will work in conjunction with commercial partners to customize and improve throughput of the continuous pilot production facility specific to the needs of customers.
That makes it a near certainty EEStor is going to “disappear” again.  Ulrich pointed out that, “There are only 80 people in the world that EEStor needs the attention of at this point, and to get those 80 people to care you have to put out this information. This is a tease, for sure, but enough is there to get those peoples’ full attention.”When those “80 people” are satisfied and like what the CMBT module layers can do things will get very interesting.  Whether or not we hear about it is quite a question, but if the EEStor technology gets into products we will be sure to know.
Meanwhile the lithium ion industry isn’t laying about.  Lithium technology has about caught up to EEStor’s early capacity claims with the latest technologies that could be only a couple years out.
But all along EEStor as suggested that it can get to energy densities of more than 1,000 watt-hours per kilogram, something three and four times the best technology of today.
For the doubters and skeptics, the technology march moves to its own drummer.  Nothing we say or think is going to change the facts.  It looks pretty certain now that EEStor can deliver a very good storage medium that can charge instantly and would have unmatched price, material and environmental advantages.  Charging cycle lifetime is another attribute sure to be important."


Slick Con Artist/EESU fraudster Richard Dick Weir never replicated SEAL, Tescom, and Criteria Labs test results!


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