Nope.Other than EVERY single time" "We are pleased ",like today,shows up in a news release,the stock drops.It`s simply code for"watch out below".Check the news releases,check the resulting effect on the stock.Just like today.""We are pleased".And now it`s under it`s 52 week low.
Gloomy? Why does anyone with a REALISTS point of view always become a "basher",(gloomy)etc,etc ?
I used to play with Molycorp(MCP) when it was trading between $35.00&$55.00.Got out by pure luck at the right time.Took my money and ran,just before the VERY unpredictable rare earth mineral market crashed,including MCP.I think MCP`s somewhere around $10.00-$12.00 right now.You want "gloomy" ?You should see what some of THOSE poor devils have to say that got caught.
But just for fun,check the correlation between the "pleasing" news releases and the drop in stock price.It`s there for the viewing if you`re interested in the reality.
Sorry if you find it "gloomy",but you`re in the wrong business if you find unpleasant facts "gloomy" .
Don`t kill the messenger.
And hey,i`m hoping she goes through the roof,don`t get me wrong ! I`m taking a tiny bit of the pre REM crash money and riding it out with GWG.Here`s to hoping it hits a buck tomorrow on the "pleasing" news.But i sure wouldn`t bet the farm on it.