Galahad Metals

4 projects in Ontario, Quebec and Nevada (Gold, Silver,Copper,REE)

Message: Re: Galahad Metals Inc./REGCOURT: More Notable Gold Mineralization From Phase II Dia


Assays numbers are fine......even good. The intersections are to short to be commercial, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot more potential here. The Geo team needs to learn from this and translate the new data into a concentrated drill program that zero's in on the targets. There is no question that this is a gold hosting zone. now it's time to prove it is commercial. Results in keeping with phase one certainly would prove that.

I will stick with this to the next drill program and to take advantage of the Red Ore potential. This isn't a one trick pony and it isn't a dumb capitalization in relation to the near term potential. Downside risk from here is limited, so other than a short term issue of dead money, there is no reason to walk from this.


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