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Message: Another fruitless meeting.

< The purpose of the meeting was to facilitate on-going discussions regarding resolving the arbitral award due to the Company, which including interest approximates $757 million.

As a result of the meeting, the parties agreed to work in good faith to (1) reach an agreement to resolve the amount due the Company related to the arbitral award, and (2) work together to identify a third party to participate in the development of the Brisas/Las Cristinas gold copper deposit with the additional purpose of resolving the arbitral award. The Venezuelan government has agreed to make available the acting Procurador General and the President of PDVSA to advance this strategy. >

That meeting resolved nothing and we only know that there is now 17 million additional dollars from interest ( 740 million being original award).

Only new thing is a mention, presumably by Venezuela of possible third party. Either it is another delaying tactic or a sincere attempt at getting this third party (Chinese?) to pay Venezuela's compensation to GRZ.
Reaction of GRZ sp seems to favour a delaying tactic.

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