Author states a bias towards GORO. What I don't understand is why he admitted to useing numbers that are almost a year old. Using more recent drill results which are substantially higher than what was drilled almost a year ago, you come up with much higher ore values, hense much higher overall numbers. Try running the more recent ore values @ 850 t/d. You will get much higher results than what the author did.
I think we will see GORO take off for a nice run when the two remaining permits are in and construction close to being completed. We should then see another slow period until commercial production results start to show. Then I believe you had better get out of it's way.
Show me another gold producer with no debt, share structure of 36 million, grades of 2 to 4 oz/t, very experienced and successful management with a commitment to shareholders, and negative production costs? Like I said, "Get out of it's way!"