via Financial Post - First Nations Legal Victories
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Financial Post
$IRX Monthly
A major move in the markets is underway, probably due to demand at the short end of the treasury curve, and that a major futures broker may have gone bankrupt in the meanwhile. A gold sell-off of such magnitude as we have seen in the past few weeks was seen in the weeks leading up to both banktruptcies of MFG Global, and PFG Best.
An indicator of stress in credit markets should be a rise in the gold/silver ratio, but also further declines in treasury bill rates at the short end of the curve. If you will notice, that in prior declines of treasury bill rates, GBN.V shares have been strongly inversely correlated at times when markets were in distress. Even the 2008 low did not register the same extreme as the present devaluation of the stock.
An important turning point in interest rates may be occurring, where the entire TIPS yield curve is going into negative nominal rates, which will in turn put heavy demand on short term treasury bills, yielding negative nominal rates as well.