Charts & Comments
posted on
Jan 29, 2015 11:30AM
Saskatchewan's SECRET Gold Mining Development.
$USB Monthly
The time to have invested in venture exchange companies with viable prospects was in 2003. You could be assured of share price returns in just about any commodities prospect.
Those days are probably long gone. Returns to investors can be done through providing a yield, since the alpha in any Venture exchange prospect has been permanently decimated.
Larger financial interests can't make sufficient capital in the small size of venture prospects, because they are small potatoes compared with the bond markets and the demand for yield. So they will invariably be short over the long term.
A gold mining prospect has no other choice, except to provide a yield, which larger capital interest could never foresee. A company like GBN.V is without recourse, even if they manage to raise capital throug escrowing production. Share prices advances will disappoint, except if you provide s competitive yield.
The company can start small with a nominal yield in February without having to fully report until the end of August.
Discussion with Shane Nyquvest
Via CNBC Canadian Bond Yields
The company was caught completely off guard with a rate reduction this month. It's certain that further rate reductions will be necessary. A rate reduction in the U.S. will set off the the gold price as rates will go negative.
$Gold:CDW Weekly
The $CAD gold price will probably see a pull back as the $U.S. sees a reversal. The 13-week EMA has crossed the 89-week EMA, the gold price in $CAD saw a breakout. The gold price in $ CAD terms has probably seen its re-rating, but this does not prevent from seeing a new high in gold prices.
- F6