via CEO.CA - Eagle Plains Completes 2016 Drill Programme On 'Chico' Project
I found the following news release interesting since it discusses the geology if The Trans-Hudson Orogen.
"The Tabbernor Fault is a 1500 km-long regional structure which has been traced from as far north as the Rabbit Lake uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan to as far south as the Black Hills of South Dakota, the latter of which hosts the 40M oz Homestake gold deposit. The shared proximity to the Tabbernor fault and similarities in terms of age and tectonic history to the Homestake and Seabee deposits was the main driving force behind EPL’s interest in acquiring the Chico property. "
The Tabbernor Fault has a history of reactivation, which is important to the Kisseynew Domain along the Byer's fault, where it's been found that the Komis deposit saw the same reactivation, much like the Dome Mine had in Ontario.