Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Site Visit From a Plumbers perspective

It was great to meet other investors and listen to all the different views. Management went above and beyond the call of duty in looking after all of our questions. I believe other posters have touched on most if not all of the info gained from the trip. When talking with JT he mentioned that if there was a location for open pit it would be the Ascot zone. As far as the T1/T2/88 area he discussed sinking a shaft to an appropriate depth where you would then have a horizontal tunnel (perpendicular to the zones) that could intersect mulitple zones. If you intersect 6 zones, the miner would have 12 stopes to work on from 1 shaft.( I am sure I am using the wrong terminology, but the point is that it looks like an efficient ore to mine) JT also commented that our zones are wider than typical zones being mined today.

While walking the Beland area where we drilled already-you know where the husband and wife got separate cheques- JT mentioned that the mineralized zones actually tip tp the south instead of the north like T1 T2 etc. The end result is less costly drilling, as they can drill from the road and not have to compensate anyone or wait for permission.

I was comfortable with my investment after the AGM, and after the site visit I am extremely comfortable with my investment.

All the best, K

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