this since it happened. Because the last time I notice it and mentioned it someone decided to do something about it.
The Gap ECU created between the 20 to the 21 feb has not been closed 20 the Hi was 1.8. On the 26 the low was 1.88. Since then the bids have increased and continue to increase above the 1.90 mark.
After 5 days it is now considered and unfilled gap. The only suggestion for the 2.00 defence is the shorts need to cover around here. Tomorrow will be a telling day.
Someone who trades quite openly on the other board suggested he has a 300,000 share core. If true I hope he isn't risking it to but up a wall, as been notice by others here.
Learning about matter waves in quantum physics and I applied it to the process occuring on SH. If it doesn't matter just wave.
Reg Mills