posted on
Mar 04, 2008 07:10AM
Welcome To The Golden Minerals HUB On AGORACOM
Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.
Message: NEWS
Hi all,
First of all I would like you all to know I bought ECU in August of last year so I payed a hefty price, but I am not complaining. The reason I bought in was several reasons. First of all I knew ECU was going to deliver the goods and has so by all reports. I have heard a lot about concerns about ECUs management and I must say if you have been in this forum awhile they are making some strategic moves for a bright future. I do believe that ECU needs to become more aggresive at the mining output. Past production was 400 tonnes a day {look it up at} which bye all calculations a low output but there has been a lot of wise moves as ECU has done a great job at making future expansion very viable. I really believe if ECU could up its production rate we would see a totally different price share but be ready it is coming. I also noticed on Kramer last night that he was excited about the futures in silver itself, and I must say when CNBC finally has realized that silver is not going anywhere but up we will all be taking a nice sailing ride. Jason Hommel also wrote today that he believes we will see 100.00 dollar silver and that could happen any day now. So think about it, wouldn't you rather have these resources when silver finally gets its day in the limelight or would you rather see ECU pull all the plugs now. The future looks bright for all of us who stay onboard and if they analyze us short who says we don't see 250.00 or 350.00 silver. And guess who has all the resources? thats right all of us. Hopefully ECU will up production soon but hold on to your hats because we still have a nice ride coming soon. There is no limitations in the short or long term that can hurt us just a sense of relief when it all comes to a head. Our projections at this point could be astronomical but even if we were at the low end of silver pricing we still have the goods and when that production goes full swing I hope the bashers come back to pickup our empty champagne glasses. Don't worry bashers we will leave you a bottle half empty of course lol just kidding.
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