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Message: is this manipulation?

I agree completely. Billid and his sidekick are nothing more than paid shills similar to what is observed on SH. It seems our good friend Billid is obsessed with having the regulars on this board provide evidence that ECU is manipulated. Is this a practical query? Of course not as only the regulators have access to that information and not average investors on a discussion forum. Our good friend might have better luck asking us what type of cloud formations are present on Jupiter. It seems to me that if Billid is an ECU long and is so obsessed with manipulation investigation, then it would appear logical for him to go after the CFTC and/or the SEC to review the short positions on the NYCOMEX. This should be relatively easy for him since he reads everything and therefore would be familiar with Ted Butler's requests in past articles.

And as for Billid calling me "silly" and a "communist", well that is a typical juvenile ploy called name calling. Funny that he should refer to me as a communist after one of my recent posts where I did not make up but only listed a few previous actions of Western governments. If anything, it is the corporations that are communist as they are the ones pushing for globalization which only serves to strengthen communist countries and weaken the democratic ones. No my friend? Also, many top economists have referred to the FED's bail-out of the big banks as socialism for the rich. So I guess the FED is communist as well my friend? And furthermore, the latest polls show that President Bush has an 84% disapproval rating. Again, does this make the majority of Americans communists? Nice try Einstein as the definition of a communist is not a free-market patriot that abhors market manipulation but it was worth a desperate try.

His lengthy response, even though completely void of a worthwhile item, to several top quality posters is indicative of someone with a little too much time on their hands. This was followed by several rapid fire posts somewhat similar to those on SH over the past several months. As I have said before, if you kidz are going to bash then bash. Do not post such transparent diatribe. Manners only get you so far. Just ask the ladies if you know of any. Boy the kidz these days!

GWR, Coach, Edgy, and Bigpic, do yourselves and the rest of us a favour and remove these viruses. Consider your time much too valuable than addressing shills and why dilute the quality of the posts for our loyal readers.

Dasvidania Billid - VHF

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