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Message: Special Alert Flash Bulletin

Special Alert Flash Bulletin

posted on Jul 04, 2008 01:40PM

I can't speak for what the situation is like in other parts of the country or for North America as whole or even the world for that matter but here on paradise Vancouver Island the forest industry is slowly coming to a standstill.

Now with escalating fuel costs ($1.52/letre), the tourist industry is starting to get hammered.

A good friend of mine, up in Campbell River, owns a fishing lodge up there on the river and business apparently has dropped off dramatically so far this season.

The economy here is in a tail spin and most people I speak to are running around with blinders on and seem to be totally oblivious of what is unfolding in the financial markets world wide. Down right spooky......we are now entering the twilight zone......dodo, dodo.....dodo, dodo....dodo, dodo.........

Posted On: Thursday, July 03, 2008, 3:35:00 PM EST

Global Investment Perspective Shared Amongst Jim, Harry and Monty

Author: Jim Sinclair


I thought this would be of interest as I know you and Uncle Harry have close ties and philosophies. Its timing coincides perfectly with your recent admonitions to the community. Good grief!

Well, just in time for a pleasant holiday, I have received something in the mail that I?ve never gotten before in 30 years of receiving the Harry Schultz Letter. It is a ?Special Alert Flash Bulletin.?

Best regards,
CIGA George

Here is what it says:

?As warned for many months a major global ?upheaval? is in progress ? spurred by the one-two punch of runaway inflation & a collapse of the derivatives/credit markets ? which will affect everyone. Many banks are at risk. Investors who continue to procrastinate or wait optimistically for storm clouds to dissipate, will in the main, see their assets deflate radically & at best risk losing much or most of their net buying power &/or capital. If not already done, we urge that you immediately reduce financial risk via 3 basic steps: exit the US$ (or hedge exposure to US$ assets of any kind via futures short selling &/or bank forward contracts), place approx. ? of your assts into a mix of 90-day to 2-year govt bills/bonds (Swiss govt paper preferred, but any non-US$ 1st world govt paper OK), place almost ? of your assets in gold (via a basket of gold futures &/or quality gold shares, with at least 15% in physical gold bars or coins). A small position in oil/food/commod stocks & special situations is justified.

Good luck to us all,
Uncle Harry and team

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