There is a reoccuring leg run up pattern in this gold run. There are short legs and long legs. The majority of short legs were below the 750 mark. This is the sequence that has been noticed.
Gold will get kicked (consolidated) around for weeks. Then burst out with a vengeance.
Starting with March 07; it breaks out and goes for a short run pausing about half way then finishing its run mid May; 30 deg slope $50 change 7.5%
Next is Sept 07; breaks out and runs to Nov pausing at 1/3 and 2/3 of the run; 50 deg slope $174 change 25%
Dec 07; break out and runs to Jan 08. 2 pauses around 1/3 and 2/3; 60 deg slope $115 change 14%
Feb 08; breakout and a run to March 2 pauses 1/3 and 2/3(Large pause but no retrace); 55 deg slope. $133 change 14%
Now 08: breakout no pause yet and a slope of 75 deg
I will speculate a 1063 before consolidation (925+138). However, this will depend on the 1/3 pause point being right here at 971 and the 2/3 point at 1017.
Only my musings (using a protractor and calculator, accuracy depends on the market)
Reg Mills