So, the dye is cast. With the gargantuan intevention now reaching "peak" performance the stage has been set for the "good news" in October in the US. The trade numbers will glow positive with the lower price of oil in Sept. righting the ship. Inflation will be reversed as all commodities have magically been tamed. Consumers will see the real beef at the pumps. All the "stats" will be jigged window dressing for the masses. The future for the US will be bright. The $US will again be the world's reserve currency. Some unexpected event will be positive for the incumbents. Or, so the plan goes I expect.
The campaign to put McCain and Sarah "Jessica" Palin into office will reach full stride at just the right time. Obama will be trashed along with his wife and others. (PS: I am being apolitical here). McCain is the man who will protect Americans , pit bull or no. All fiscal "inconsistancies" will continue to be deep stored....until the big bust hits.
Just a few immediate thought blips.