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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Re: This just has to end in calamity...good for gold though

jnycat: There are many that share your angst...that is what the fraudsters rely on. They want your stock and they have been in the driver's seat for a few years now with ECU and all of the JPMs, amongst other things. We are witnessing the begining of the end of their corrupt antics. If you read the constant stream if reliable information coming to you at this BB from many knowledgeable and experienced posters, much of it reported from very credible sources, you will have a good idea of what is coming.

However, what we are faced with, with respect to the ridiculously undervalued price of ECU has nothing to do with ECU and everything to do with the forces behind the scenes now in a gargantuan struggle for economic supremacy. For instance if you saw Greenspan being grilled today you may have noted his cool demeanour. You see, he believes he is part of a much higher order than the senate, congress or for that matter the President. He made his deal many years ago with what he thinks is part of a ruling world elite. He is representative of the myth that some men think they are better than human, and it is so pathetic that it begs the question as to why the folly of human history has yet again been ignored. In that light he is nothing but a vain, silly old man with very few years left, a closet full of $2,000 suits and a terrible legacy that saw him forsake his own principles that he so expoused in 1966 in his treatise on "Gold and Economic Freedom". Pretty pathetic isn't it? Sadly, he sold out and he is but a sycophant to the rest of the clique of self-impressd, self-appointed "global power elite" crowd that include the Rockerfellers, Rothschilds ...well you know all this. So there he sits today, arrogant but feigning sincerity and in all truth. History repeats yet again. He is beyond the grasp of the rabble.

Getting back to the market, we see many forecasts here about the potential time frame that will be required for the PMs to take off to the upside. Much of this is based on technical charting and historic comparisons. Some believe it will take several years for the PMs and the stocks to climb to very high values. I believe that, from a historic perspective, we are facing a forthcoming time compression, a warping of what those charts may forecast, due to unprecedented, building extremes, overshots in many areas never seen before. I believe we are now looking at a very short time frame before we see a dramatic upside in the PMs (and stocks), energy (oil), and certain soft commodities such as wheat. This is only my very amateur opinion.

Two unique (in historic terms) tectonic plates are about to change the political and economic geography of world the way we know it because they cannot be technically charted and they cannot be manipulated or denied any longer...the global $750 trillion global derivatives, amplified leverage credit monster...and the new economies of China, India, Russia, Brazil, and the Middle East. The above mentioned power elite and all the central western bankers have a huge religious experience dead ahead of them. In their blind arrogance I fear, they do not think they are fallible. Paulson thinks he is the real President of the U.S.A. and has called a meeting if the G 20 for Nov. 15th. Robert Rubin, Bernanke, Greenspan, Clinton, Bush Sr. and a cast of tens acting as officers of the power elite they report to, will be discussing the appropriate for that meeting as we speak. The bankers will run the world as they see fit...they think.

We shall see and I don't think we have too much longer to await the unfolding antics of the opposing forces.

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