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Message: From Franklin Sanders daily email letter

From Franklin Sanders daily email letter

posted on Dec 16, 2008 05:15PM

Franklin Sanders sent out the following email today. Please note that when he says the Moneychanger may not be published without permission I believe he is taking about his monthly news letter and not his daily email which is free to anyone who requests it.

Tuesday, 16 December a.d. 2008
Whoa! You men paying attention? Stand up where
you are, twist your body to the right, place your right
hand in your back pocket, withdraw your wallet, pull
out a green federal reserve note, lift it to your lips,
You women will have to fish in your purses ten
minutes to find your wallets, then dig out a
out a buck and kiss it good-bye.
Not only have the Fed & the Treasury executed a
coup d'etat & taken over the yankee government entire, the
Fed reduced the Fed Funds rate to 0.5%, lowest level
in history. But in case that doesn't work, they also have
yet another new strategy: "quantitative easing." That
is "Fedspeak" for printing money. Let the presses begin!
Let there be money, and let it flood the hills & valleys,
yea, let it flow into the shallowest pockets in the land,
& let the desert economy bloom!
Folks, if any of y'all yet cling to the "deflationary"
outcome, you had best let it go today. Although the
economic outcome will be depression, the monetary
outcome will be massive inflation, & quite likely,
hyperinflation. The dollar will evaporate, while silver &
gold will skyrocket, unless the laws of cause & effect
have been repealed by a compliant congress.
Gold closed at US$841.70, up 6.30, until the Fed announced
its "plans", sending gold up to US$861, another US$19.30.
Silver, which had closed up 8.5 cents to 1067.40 cents,
jumped 70 more cents to 1137 cents. The prices show for
gold & silver items below derive from those higher
aftermarket prices.
All bets are off, friends, for any sort of peaceful landing.
Every man for himself! Today your government & the
private corporation that controls the economy & the
money, the Federal Reserve, threw you, and the US dollar,
out of the boat, with an anvil tied to your feet. Every
one of us had better learn to swim.
As proof, he brings forth the next exhibit, the US
Dollar Index, which today posted its biggest swing yet
in a mighty long string of big swings, down a full 186
basis points to close at 80.22. Mercy! This isn't currency
exchange, it's Las Vegas. Stocks liked the lower dollar.
The Dow rose 310 and the S&P500 37, but stocks still
haven't broken out above the critical 9,000 Dow level.
Today silver closed above the 1050 first hurdle, but
gold didn't quite make the 850 resistance. In the
aftermarket, both metals shot through resistance levels,
especially silver. Tomorrow should produce yet
more gains.
Do not wait now to buy silver & gold. This is the
breakout. Buy now or pay much, much more later.
A few housekeeping details:
1. Our office will be closed from 24 December 2008
thru 2 January 2008. I will sporadically publish
daily commentaries during the Twelve Days of Christmas.
2. All of you who have so frequently & faithfully
asked about my wife Susan's recovery from heart surgery,
& have prayed for her, please receive my hearty thanks.
Last Friday we visited her surgeon, & he confirmed her
heart is no longer beating backward, but has resumed
sinus rhythm. Provided she passes the 48-hour monitoring
just after New Year, she will no longer have to take
coumadin (a.k.a., rat poison/blood thinner) & she will
be officially healed. Praise God!
3. On this day in 1967 my wife Susan & I were married.
We were both 12 at the time.
On this day in 1653 Oliver Cromwell became Lord
Protector of England, Scotland, & Ireland, and another
revolution came full circle from king to king. They
always do.
On this day in 1944 the German forces launched a
surprise counterattack against unsuspecting Allied armies
in Europe and very nearly pulled off a spectacular
victory, but they ran out of gas and out of time.
Argentum et aurum comparenda sunt --
-- Silver and gold must be bought.
- Franklin Sanders, The Moneychanger
© 2008, The Moneychanger. May not be republished in any form,
including electronically, without our express permission.
To avoid confusion, please remember that the comments above have a
very short time horizon. Always invest with the primary trend. Gold's
primary trend is up, targeting at least $3,130.00; silver's primary is up
targeting 16:1 gold/silver ratio or $195.66; stocks' primary trend is down,
targeting Dow under 2,900 and worth only one ounce of gold; US$ or US$-denominated
assets, primary trend down; real estate bubble has burst, primary trenddown.

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