After yesterday's sell off, I had a look at the background this morning. The DJ fell on low volumes as the traditional publishing of Q4 results in the US started only late last night with Alcoa presenting a multi-billion loss (they are obviously suffering a lot from margin/price errosions). Many investors fear that the recession has left its shades in the figures of many more of the large companies. Also the black general economic outlook in the states has helped pushing crude below 37 dollars in the asian trades early today. Moreover, Chinese exports and imports fell in December for the second month in a row. With the US trade balance presentation today, we cannot expect there to be a better overall market situation again during today. So, if we don't see at least a partial reverse in the JM sector today or tomoorow, it might be that many mining stocks will lose another 10-15% during the rest of the week. This would leave us (sad enough) with nothing better than another of many buying opportunities in the last weeks and months...