Lawnbowler - great finish? and Coach, I hang on every word you put to print but...
I would'nt call Friday a great finishing day. It is only a good day and that is mainly due to the potential that it portends. I would only say that it is a day, and many before it, of great hope.
Our great resource, management and now an improvement in our ability to process some of that resource at this stage only provides potential.
May I compare it to a first tier qualifying run for the Olympics.
We have yet to qualify and the medals are still a dream.
That qualification should come in the next three weeks when that additional mill is ours to operate. Once it is operational consider it as the first qualification of the Olympics. Even if the PM market should be static ( I expect not ) then just due to that extra and more efficient production ( and attention) our share price should rise.
Rising share price brings attention from bigger fish. Should the PM market rise at the same time and it probably will but not by much due to the manipulation, then the effect could be of a small blow out.
That is When we can call the days great ( sp=1$+) and I will be chafing at the bit at the future prospects.
As for the sellers, let them sell and weep later. I also used that as an opportunity to add a few shares.
Just my tongue in cheek opinion. Yes, cheers to all.