Don't switch into Euro's because EU has not addressed the financial crisis enough. That EU may not be in as deep trouble hence deeper intervention not being necessary is irrelevant.
Don't switch into PMs because with rising prices miners will up production, individuals will sell their jewellry and drive the prices south. Ignore the fact that even with a known resource, financing and equipment available, it takes at least two years to build a producing mine.
Oh there are many known large PM resources ready for development?, well ignore that also.
Silver example - Other than ECU I know of Aquiline's (AQI at TSX) large deposit in Argentina. How long will it take for both to see large scale production. Would they make a difference with current silver shortage? Ignore that also.
Oh no don't switch, stay with the paper dollars, recovery is in next quarter.
Geez! I have been reading such for almost five years.
The spins continue until the vast majority gets wiser and stops listening to the dribble. Things could change at any moment.