Mornin' Edgy,
There are a lot of people beginning to shake their heads around here over the increasing anxiety about this flu thing, which in no way, so far, can compare to what we usually get from the yearly flu. The level of stress doesn't seem to fit the situation. Something screwy, imo.
Only positive thing I can see in the southeastern US is that there is one big scramble going on getting ready, just in case. Plans have evolved quickly, supplies readied, communication links set up with state and local agencies, volunteers being recruited, etc.
If nothing serious happens it's at least great practice for any disaster, though they're already exceptionally good at handling hurricanes. Makes you wonder.
The media, however, especially local tv, tend to overdo it, as usual, having already created the problem here of scaring the bejeesus out of so many kids that it's created a noticeable problem for families and the schools. What next.