CIBC is the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, one of Canada's five large banks. By coincidence, it s also the Canadian Bank with the most exposure to the derivatives/subprime US markets....along with the broker Canaccord Adams. You may recall that Canaccord was also implicated in losses in the subprime area and as I have mentioned several times, it is rumored to be the conduit for Canadian banks to naked short the Canadian JPMs.
Jim Sinclair has pointed out many times that the Canadian banks are suspect of an orchestrated shorting of the JPMs via a "program" from their masters in the US.
It does get monotonous but it would appear that "something" is afoot as we await the launch of both silver and gold along with the next massacres of the DOW and friends when insider selling has been quenched. Jim Sinclair compares what is planned by the wicked Cartel as murder.