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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: The upcoming week for ECU

The upcoming week for ECU

posted on May 17, 2009 07:50PM

Been away for this last week...busy, busy, busy...but such is life. Good to see ECU sticking around...It isn't down and that is a good sign for what's coming.

Friday seemed to be a good day for ECU. Volume was good throughout the day, and ECU is now back to .64.

As Pic said, we may be looking at a bit of a pullback on Gold and Silver prices. So, this could mean that we could see a short pullback on ECU prices, but we have seen a strong base between .60 and .61, and sooner than later we may be seeing another run and a base built in the low to mid .70s.

So many have said this many times, and it cannot be emphasized enough, ECU is severely under-valued, and the manipulation in this side of the market has been pretty crazy and rather blatant.

I just love to see how ECU has responded, and the management has done so well with their decisions...I have said it several times and I will say it again,"I am Sticking around." If I left now, I would lose out on a chance that only comes around once in a very long time.

There was a post put out by VHF back on the 11th called "Ted Butler's latest" (It is in the top messages), and if you haven't read it yet, I would recommend that you take a gander at it. Way too many people don't understand or don't know how much Silver in the world has been depleted. The precious metal continues to be used up, and cannot be replaced near as fast...What do you think will happen to the price when the world as a whole realizes that we don't have the supply to meet demand (It is starting to happen already).

I say this to ask that if silver prices even double (which can happen rather quickly), what do you think will happen to the price of ECU? Everyone here knows that they have got quite a supply both above and below ground, and production is remaining constant through their mill.

Thanks folks for your continuous updates and news posted here...they are very informative, and I encourage everyone to continue doing so. I realize that parts of this message consist of some speculation, but none of it is close to being far-fetched. The questions just continue to be. "When?" Sooner then later, the wool will be pulled off of the eyes of many...it's slowly happening...and again the question is, "Then what?"

Once again...no skirt will be worn by this guy, but I will be sitting on the sideline cheering on ECU as it continues to build momentum.

-McCoy Dude

May 18, 2009 06:40PM
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