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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: I get real nervous when people start talking

Re: I get real nervous when people start talking

posted on May 28, 2009 01:36PM

Yes, let's not begin to think that the only time we can write about ECU is when it's declining or stuck in the mud. We've already done that and I'm rather tired of doing so, or reading about how crappy it's been.

We've waited, waited some more, suffered, fretted, waited again, moaned, and just simply complained for a long, long, long time. A little joy is definitely warranted now.

Jim Sinclair, Jim Willie, etc., are saying gold and silver are making their moves right now, slowly, but in the process, especially moving really well in 3 weeks or less. We all know that all h*ll is going to break loose and we all know why. So, will it be so hard to believe as it happens?

Well, probably yes because we've been so disappointed over and over and over, time and again, that yes, it will be hard to believe that our time has come. Face it, we've been conditioned like Pavlov's dog, and that's precisely why most goldbugs that have been waiting for these days will miss the move. They simply will refuse to believe because they're conditioned; they're gun shy.

I've been part of the tax movement since 1982 (another issue all together). Let's just say I haven't believed much, if anything, the collective government says. Ron Paul I believe. My general attitude is if a government official's mouth is moving, he's lying. I don't believe any of the BS they shoot forth. Think about it. Why do they even have to get on TV day after day to tell us how well everything is? If things were good, we wouldn't hear from them at all.

Soooo, yes, I'm happy as can be to see ECU move in a direction I've been waiting for, for a long time. Heck, I bought a majority of my meager number of shares below .50C, and we're getting darn close to a double on those shares. That's a nice move in my book. So let's party.

The only sadness I presently have is that our way life is going to change a lot as our metals & shares soar. I hope I have enough of both.


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