It seems to me that we have gotten used to reading great results and take them as a matter of facts that were expected and obvious, therefore no need for commentary.
We are not the only ones that matter. There are many visitors to boards such as this one and if we lack enthusiasm then the only ones who will be interested are the rare breed that will do their own dd. Most visitors will just walk away without a second look and a Ho hum attitude.
We can not only rely on the company to be putting out great news releases for the stock to appreciate. We do have a small role to play on that stage. Most of my holds are as a result of boards such as this one where by I cought the bug and did some basic investigation.
GWR put in a lot of time and effort into giving us a clear picture of what the company is and will do. But there is insufficient reaction and discussion.
Those results should over shadow anything else we have to say about the company or the world.
I am not trying to belittle the contributions made by so many great people here, but I am trying to steer you all onto what I consider a more proper direction and cause.
This has become my favourite stock so understand my zealous enthusiasm, Ed.