Talking about waking up.
Peter Schiff was invited to discuss the future of the dollar on CNBC with another analyst and there was some straight talk there by Peter on the demise of the dollar and it almost seemed as if Marc Haines agreed with him. It went something like this (missed the first part,haven't seen it back and I maybe wrong in the details).
First he argued that the dollar would go down inevitably due to the Argentina-like deficit spending.
On the final question on what currency he then preferred he said none, but Gold, that the dollar had to go back to a Gold standard. He added that if the Euro would take over the reserve currency role from the dollar, it would also be corrupted.
So this is how the Gold Standard is gradually becoming a normal subject for discussion on television. Soon we will not notice it anymore, but for now it was a big surprise for me to hear this on CNBC. It seems mainstream is advancing rapidly on the idea. Well, ofcourse they have to, if JS's target of June 2011 is to become reality.