The value of gold is not in the words of gurus, rather in the fundamental value of a highly desired and sought after product of limited availability.
If you look at the entire body of words out there the words that denegrate gold and silver far out number the words of support. Forget the words. What does your gut tell you? Would you rather hold fiat or specie? Its as simple as that.
My pain is high, but not because of failed words of profits who are human, but because of the evil of those in power. Sometimes its good just to get an ounce of gold and hold it in your hand. Then think it may have taken 50 people to mine three tonnes of gold ore, then an array of middle men to reduce, refine, fabricate, and market it. Then think that if you gave it to your grand kid and he/she to his/hers and so on for 500 years, it would still look and feel pretty much the same to them.
It has been that way for thousands of years. Gold in the hands of people has always been bad for those who would enslave those people. Sound money is the enemy of government corruption. Screw the propaganda of today, ignore the words of gurus. What would you have... gold or a paper promise that is in unlimited supply.