Well Hobbers, many of "us" must feel like we've been left twisting in the wind, as it were. Here is a brief excerpt form Midas tonight...which many here will have seen. This type of "expose", yet another one, on GS has been making the rounds for years. The evidence against them would be a slam dunk, successful prosecution in an honest court of law. There is more proof on the criminal actions of GS, JPMorgan, many other banks, brokerages and even the U.S. Admin. that could put them away forever. It is now obvious that we are being blatantly told the truth and it is being shoved up our Goldbug kiesters with great relish. It is painfully obvious to me that we are being told that "they"can handle the truth because "they" own the judge, jury and the law. This excerpt is no longer news or plain fact in a seemingly endless pronouncements of revelations of fraud, corruption ad theft form the taxpayers of the world. It is the middle finger thrust defiantly up our noses challenging us to take action, if we dare...a few ragged, exhausted goldbugs, "believers" in the truth, gold, the only honest currency that has ever existed. The golden chalice is tightly held in the grasp of Satan. We are now being toyed with as a cat does the mouse. Here is today's cheese:
Something really ugly popped up on Daily Kos yesterday late in the afternoon.....
...GS, through access to the system as a result of their special gov't perks, was/is able to read the data on trades before it's committed, and place their own buys or sells accordingly in that brief moment, thus allowing them to essentially steal buttloads of money every day from the rest of the punters world.http://market-ticker.denninger.net/archives