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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Buy gold & silver

"...I do not own bullion, not a smidget, just PM shares."

IMO you are a very brave soul. I worry whether I should be holding mining shares. Should some sort of collapse take place, I wonder how paper will hold up, even gold and silver paper. It should be fantastic, but it's still paper. I don't trust what the financial crooks in D.C. and Wall Street might be able to pull off in the mining sector.

Look what they're trying to do with the mining industry in the U.S. Most dumb money investors aren't in mining at all, and if D.C. manages to kill the U.S. mining industry, that will only leave foreign mining stocks to buy. The dumb money investor hasn't a clue how to buy foreign stocks, period, let alone foreign mining stocks, even Canadian.

The typical dumb money investor in the U.S. is simply being set up to have nothing, own nothing, and be kept ignorant about anything outside U.S. borders that provide any clues about what is really happening in the world. I think it's very obvious that the General Welfare clause of the Constitution has been revoked by the two political parties that swore to uphold the Constitution. It's more like a hold up.

It's rather ironic, that just like all the worthless paper being created now, the U.S. Constitution is all paper being made worthless.


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