I would not be too cute with your buy back of ECU Hiram, you may make a little money on the financials short using FAZ or some other vehicle but gold/silver is not likely going to cooperate nor is ECU, of course you have Cannacord on your side as they are trying to make a new low with help from UBS/National and retail investors caught in the cross-fire.
A little news or a new buyer could change the ECU outlook quickly and I am hoping for both, expecting actually. I'm personally not expecting any big correction in the DOW right now as so many are calling for but certainly AIG, Fannie and Freddy and CITI have had ridiculous runs and have little to no value whatsoever.
I admit this is jobs week and this so often has been bad news for gold/silver but I have felt for sometime the game has changed and sweeps and flushes by the cartel are not getting near the harvest they have become so accustomed too. This is likely a 2005-06 shaping up again and the cartel boys got slaughtered as I recall although it seems a lifetime ago.