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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: New Junior Miner ETF

Can you spell E-V-I-L.

Never be so naive as to believe that any of the "derivative" gold/silver ETFs are anything but pure fraud that is aimed as diluting metal demand into paper. Remember the timing of the creation of GLD and SLV and who is behind these vehicles. These vehicles have taken in about 70 billion dollars. This is crtitical money that would have catapulted the price of the metals by now to the moon ! ..... but they have sequestered this demand and actually have no gold. Their prospectise is a bunch of legal jargon that is impossible to decipher, but the bottom line is that their shares are not redeemable for gold/silver and that they actually have no gold at all - only pictures of gold bars on their web site. You are merely "betting" on the price of the metal. If they actually had accumulated the metal they say they have, there would have been a stellar upwards effect on the price of the metals involved..... but instead the price of the metal went down when they were accumulating. Total Fraud !!!

The major question here is - If they are not buying gold/silver with this 70 billion dollars of investor loot, then what are they doing with this huge amount of money ??? I imagine they are using it to short gold/silver.

When you understand the timing of this "new" offering, you will find out that these entities will have all kinds of official looking literature and detail all of their holdings with percents and other details..... however once the word "derivative" is introduced then the concept of these vehicles are clear. These ETFs hold nothing and are a Ponzi scheme where monies received are used to short gold stocks !!!! They simply pay retiring "investors" with the money from incoming "investors" and the rest of the money they can do as they wish. This is the beauty of derrivatives.... they are a bet on a basket of stocks...... that is it. They do not have to hold anything.....so do not think for one minute that these funds own 1 share of these stocks. They use the money to naked short and destroy the stocks.....

This sounds very cynical and disgusted, but this where we are in this war. All their instruments to stop the PM metals including the rigging of all PM stocks, hedging, complete media control and misinformation etc. and all they have done is slow gold/silver down. We have made about 20 % a year on the metal for 9 years straight. And PM stocks are going nowhere ?? Outrageous and mind numbing.

This all only means that their control is total. You must imagine the un-imaginable to understand how these creatures operate. They have made this a "slow burn" but not stopped out the major trend - however the point of parobolic upwards movement is upon them and they will do what is necessary. All the money in the world is at stake and this is a matter of national security. If gold reigns free then the US will become a banana republic overnight because we have long sold off the Fort Knox hoard. India will become a superpower - believe it or not !!!!!

But this new ETF is still a positive sign.... because in 2002 thru 2006 they came up with GLD, SLV and others - this signalled that they were worried about a surge in gold/silver demand and needed a vehicle to sequester and neutralize this demand. Now with the Van Eck offering they are telling you that they are worried about a surge in gold stock demand and need vehicles to nullify this demand as well. It means that the public is waking up to gold/silver mining stocks.

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