Wanted to post yesterday but was in Innsbruck with an iphone and a weak wireless network!
Couple of older points: Birthday was the 15th, not 14th (remember I'm time zones ahead of you guys)... thanks for the private b-day greetings :) I still don't agree at all with pic politically... but I still like him nonetheless! :)
News was tremendous, but just a taster. The real news is on it's way and I'll bet my bottom silver dollar it involves profits and perchance a resumption in drilling focus. There were tiny nods to that this time around, but I think (perhaps I hope) thats what we will see next.
We're still stagger stepping which is good. The current plateau is a resting place for everyone to see that yes this time the leg up was real. We stop, we take stock, we do a little sideways shuffle and then we leg up again. Silver took a while to gap up as the gold leg sank in, and we will leg up when the silver leg sets in. But as I posted previously, I think the POS is just a small part of the story. Basically I only see positive things on the horizon. Patience was the message 6 months ago and it remains the message today... although the light at the end of the tunnel may be starting to show.
Now we sit comfortable for the first time in a long time and wait for the next news release... and the next. It will only get better.