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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Suspicious Mind

Suspicious Mind

posted on Nov 25, 2009 03:36PM

Until my recent last post, I have not posted on this board for about 2 years. In addition, I have not owned ECU during that two year period. About two months ago, I got into a large position of the warrants at about 20 cents.

The reason that I did not own ECU during that period has nothing to do with the fundamentals of the company or management... they are obviously stellar, but rather the facts I presented in my last posts in 2006. At that time I clearly stated that ECU will be a target of relentless downward manipulation and mercilessly naked shorted. I also noticed that this stocks trades to discourage the most possible new investors. This is intentional and controlled by software with a list of other target stocks. In addition, it would be specifically targeted for the following reasons:

1). ECU has a huge resource that needs to be transferred to a CABAL controlled entity via cheap buyout. Michel Roy is not under their influence and they need to wrestle control of this resource away from him.

2). ECU is a darling of the gold bugs and particularly of Bill Murphy of GATA. The Powers that Be (PTB) want him discredited and all gold bugs marginalized. Marginalized is when all your relatives and friends say..... "oh that guy ..... he is a nutcase that wears a tinfoil hat - don't listen to anything he says". This way you will be a Cassandra that knows what’s going to happen, but no one will give you the time of day.

3). Silver is way more leaned on than gold. Remember gold is at an all time high and silver is only 40 % of it's all time high.

Anyway, it is a shame that some of you are just accepting the manipulation that has been blatant and obvious for at least 2 years. In the future, look for:

1). The stock market to continue to be held up by the PTB. No downside follow thru ever allowed. Any breach through 10,000 will be quickly propped back up. Instead the dollar will collapse while simultaneously the stock market will actually go up next year !!! Same game but different delivery - A pitcher needs to mix up his pitches if he is to strike out the batter.

2). We will see martial law next year.

3), Continued gold stock suppression. Even though it is so obvious - they do not care. They have lost control of the physical but they will always control paper. All the money in the world is at stake and they will do whatever is required. Suppression will only be lifted when profits are huge (At least 3 quarters from now) and retail investors overrun manipulators en masse.

4). It is important to note that the downside in the economy is gauged by what we know...... but it is what we don't know that will have the biggest effects down the road. As bad as what we know is..... derivatives still are being lathered on in incalculable amounts and will melt down at some point in what would best be described as a 1 billion megaton implosion. When ???? who it to know....

5). Gold/Silver is a microcosm of the bigger macro economy. Just as JPM and HBSC are adding short position contracts by the boatload into a rising silver price on CRIMEX (A suicide squeeze play) which looks insane to the goldbug - they are protecting a multi- trillion dollar paper market for dollars - so who cares about a few hundred billion loss in the gold market when the stakes are so high.

6). They are also adding derivatives by the boadload to keep interest rates down and keep the dollar up. One in four mortgages written in the last 5 years has defaulted or is defaulting. Credit cards, commercial loans and commercial real estate are at record high default rates. And with all this loss and risk in lending, the interest rate is the lowest in history ? Does this make any sense ? In a true free market, interest rates would need to be 50 % on such loose lending standards. So the free market must be warped by 6 standard deviations to get interest rates this low into a massive tightly coiled spring. This will all unwind in a big whooooooosh one day soon and credit will be a thing of the past.

In conclusion, I have made most of my money on my metal. I am down huge on my gold stocks just like many of you. My only saving grace is that I took profit periodically and bought metal with the profit after each run-up from 2001 thru 2006. The last two years have been brutal, painful and blatant with fraud/deceit/manipulation.

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