"Eventually, I feel this sector will be allowed to bubble and it could be a hell of a bubble."
I sure hope so, but you used a word that makes my case: allowed
It's very obvious there's no free market, and the controllers sure don't give a darn about the public welfare, so why, when they can get all the free money they want, and manipulate all they want, would they all of a sudden allow the markets to become operationally free?
There aren't any laws being enforced to oppose them. The government, Gold Sachs, and the Treasury, JP Morgan, want this control to continue.
When will this gold sector be allowed to bubble? Without the rule of law to force compliance, I don't expect the criminals to all of a sudden get a conscience. They will simply continue to lie and give the illusion of actual markets, their method for extracting money from all people that have a job and can put money into retirement accounts, not just active investors.
I sure hope I'm just in a "mood" and my thinking is way out in left field. I'm just more worried than I was yesterday. Realization eventually overtakes wishing and hoping.