Fearing run on dollar, Goldman's collapse, did Paulson not rig markets?
Submitted by cpowell on 07:59PM ET Sunday, January 31, 2010. Section: away from countries in debt crises, not toward them.
We know that U.S. Treasury debt and the dollar made totally counterintuitive moves because someone made that happen.
We know that JPMorgan Chase and HSBC sold 10 percent of the world's annual gold production and 25 percent of annual silver production in one month.
We know from market analyst Don Coxe that the government took down commodities. (See
Paulson is either the luckiest Treasury secretary in history or he is a manipulator of the highest order. Given that he was previously CEO of Goldman Sachs, I think he wouldn't even know how to keep his hands off the markets.
Paulson also told the FT that he feared that Goldman Sachs would collapse. Considering that he held $200 million in Goldman Sachs shares, I wonder if anyone is going to look at what his real motives were for saving the country with wall-to-wall market manipulation.
Adrian Douglas is publisher of the Market Force Analysis letter (