How is that possible? First of all the Fed has no ruling authority. That means if the congress the Senate or the President can't interfer with what they decide to do. It is not at this time anyways bound by any laws. We can't still audit them. Transparency is like watching the matrix. It is unbelievable. Over 10 trillion dollars in debt, and of course want to be peaceful about this. We can't look at the value of money right now. One destruction can change that. Let's take Haiti {God bless tem} the international committe wants to relieve Haiti of all debts. Hey I'm all for that if all the Americans who would give more than they have because 1 out of 9 Haitains are without. Acccording to commercials 1 out of 8 Americans are without. But we are without a doubt blessed. 40% of American wealth is owned bt 2% of the population. That leaves 98% fighting everday to make ends meet. I don't know why we talk about Tea Parties or who will be or not in the halls of our hearts. If we want to pay the debt of we need to look in the mirror. Not the TV. The first people who wanted freedom from extortion were the ones who tryed to allow each and everyone one of us equal. That was our Constuition. Our money says in God we trust yet we allow other nations to hold it over us now. I want to say more but I am saddened that we wont help our selves. It will only be when we look at a nation unresolved can't stand. I can only say this, love each other it may be the only thing we have left.