Welcome To The Golden Minerals HUB On AGORACOM

Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Symptoms

There are many indications that we are approaching the end game for the cartel.

- Investment demand for physical has never been stronger.

- Big bankers are under scrutiny throughout the western world. There is growing distrust of the large US banks and their derivative poison.

- Europe which has been a reluetant support of gold manipulation for decades is now starting to reject the US led war on PMs.

- The supply of physical coins and bars has all but dired up completely in many world markets.

- The premium on gold and silver coins is moving ever higher IF you can find a willing seller.

- Individual investors with relatively large discressionary funds (Tens of millions $ and up) are steadily moving from paper to physical.

- The premium on PHYS is astounding while the establishment has started to bad mouth the concept of actual physical held in what opperates like a tradable closed end fund. ( CEF has operated this way for decades! It may pass some by but PHYS and CEF always sem to trade at a premium to NAV while the metal ETFs do not.)

- People are waking up to the relative difference between paper and hard assetts.

As the May OE passes we will get a glimpse of the stress inthe US physical market as some stand for delivery. We are reading that the paper hangers are closing out short positions when they can. The cartel is sick and the rot is starting to show. Our time is apprioaching!

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