Your numbers as agresive as they appear are no doubt real. Very nice break down sir.
Just another example showing that at these levels ECU is one of the best bang for the buck plays right now. Potentially this could be the bigest bang for your buck in the JPM world over the next couple of years.
I was going to wait to see what happens in July but I just may not have the patiance to sit on the cash position I set up after selling the pispot of "RY" in my wifes registered account. Putting in a stink bid at $.56 for another 20K and see if I have the fortitude to wait for it to at least have a chance to back up closer to that mark.
Just seems like to me that the hedgies have are going to be making a move sooner vs later and I got to believe that ECU will get plenty of attention when the money arrives to the sector...
Deno G.