however, if you read Norcini' s comments tonite, he states that 1233 must hold....if it doesn't then he beleives the money managers are not buying a "dip" and will thus let it fall. Maybe this "fall" could be the big one. If it closes below 1233 then we may be in for a big slide. My personal contacts suggest the floor is 1170....but at this point technicals, which Maund uses exclusively, in my opinion are to be taken with a grain of salt.
I will lighten up my 'trading position' if 1233 breaks on a close. I do think a dip is coming....the Aden sisters say it will come after 1300 (but now the question is how large).
Quite confusing....i think the best way to play this is to lighten up on leverage, but remain all -in with core....and maybe then some!