I have what I think are or I thought were stink bids out on three of those stocks.
SVM is one. Back in May I started the bid at $6.35 when it dipped to $6.50 mid June and rebounded with athority I upped it to $6.70. Now I wonder if this is a case of a falling knife? Sucks when one second guesses like that. (Never had a position before)
GPR and ECU bids are in at $.59 and $.57. Will be interesting in July no doubt. I already own both and really feel just as you on all of my JPM's, bent over an totally manipulated and violated.
Tough holding the course these days. No matter how logical the reasoning for our convictions over the last decade in the PM (energy for my as well) as PIC said earlier, the talking heads and governments of the day want us to believe that right is wrong, up is down and the logical is illogical...
Can we win in this market, where the coruption and manipulation run wild in both the bansters and government? I am convinced that one of two things will happen. Either we will win incredibly large or lose incredibly large. No in between with the extremes we are dealing with world wide in these times...
To our American friends here have a great July 4th weekend. I think many of us Canadians here are recovering today from yesterdays festivities. I am still seeing fireworks when I close my eyes.....
Deno G.