WOW! In a one month period now I have heard Jim Cramer again starting out his show with a strange pick from him. He said get GOLD in your portfolio. I couldn't believe my ears. Has he actually become a man of good faith? But I still don't see him talk about silver. And semiconductor manufacturing is getting better. You know what they need to continue?
On another note the article you wrote today Scruffy scares me. Can they actually be pulling ECU under the carpet on us? I don't understand how a bill can be passed to manipulate every stock on the market. This isn't a Financial reform bill, it is the greatest Ponzi scheme in history. I mean if article V,{which I am sorry I haven't read} is written like it sounds. Then these large computers could take down the whole U.S. financial system. And what's with all these Englishman on CNBC now. Is something brewing ?