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Message: Re: When we all see eye to eye
Jul 30, 2010 03:33AM
Jul 30, 2010 11:07AM


My comments are in regards to this portion of your post.

Boy, are they in for a surprise. Only if the middle right wing can gain effective control of Congress in November can we even begin to stop this train loaded with "fundamental change" [destruction of capitalism, redistribution of wealth, elimination of middle class, dismantlement of the Constitution, bribing of media whores, and installation of a world socialist system]. We shall see what the Cardinal Climax brings over the next few days/weeks.

The center right is where Ronald Reagan was...

The largest increase (by percentage) of the deficit in history.....

The dismantlement of the controls of the financial system that lead to todays financial crisis.

Bush #2 was a center right President.

He took us to war on false pretenses.

He approved torture.

He instituted warrantless wiretaps....

He put people in charge of agency's that had no business being there...Katrina, Gulf oil mess, FCC, Financial agency's- SEC, FED, Justice department.

His picks for the Supreme court will haunt us for generations. Think the decision allowing unlimited campaign contributions by companies...In my opinion that made us a fascist state. Look up the meaning of fascism.

No we are screwed.

The history of democracy is quite clear...once the people realize they can vote themselves the treasury...they do.

It's over....it may take a few years but the train has come off the tracks. It just looks like the bullet train is traveling in the right direction because it hasn't crashed yet.

The admission by the fed over the last few days that deflation is happening and they need to fix it is what I and Jim Sinclair have been waiting for...not hoping for...but waiting for, it is the bell ringing for gold to fly.

They say no one rings a bell when the shit hits the fan... well I heard a loud bell made of silver and gold yesterday.

The next QE package will bailout all the states and more....then the deficit will soar and the dollar will plunge...

Jul 30, 2010 01:01PM
Jul 30, 2010 01:02PM
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