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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Ted Butler on short covering by JP Morgan

With no disrespect to anyone, the only issue I have with analyzing all of the NY COMEX precious metals warehouse data and weekly CFTC Commitment of Traders (COT’s) reports is that one should consider the source of the data.No one out there knows more than us that almost all “official” government data is rigged to some degree to advance some political strategy or bankster profit scheme. This manipulation of data is even more blatant and enhanced at the hands of the highly suspect CFTC and NY COMEX.

Thus, it seems odd that one would apply any faith whatsoever in data showing declining gold/silver stocks or reduced commercial short positions, which has been released by the most shady of organizations.So it could be that physical inventories are indeed dropping but do not be surprised that these same warehouses have been close to empty for years and these reports have only been issued to promote the false image of real physical metal being present or shuffled about.

Unless it was inherited, anyone that has amassed a horde of silver or gold would be a complete fool to have it stored at the NY COMEX warehouses. I remember that in early 2006, just prior to the launch of the Barclay’s Silver ETF (SLV), UBS’ highly respected precious metals division reported that silver would go parabolic once the ETF acquired about 140 millions oz. in trust.Presently, the silver ETF supposedly holds 294 million oz. in trust and silver can barely move up a few pennies a day.Yes, current data seems reliable alright!!!

Cheers - VHF

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