Welcome To The Golden Minerals HUB On AGORACOM

Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: And BOOM! G&S fast hit!

A general observation:

Gold, it seems, is the Big Kahuna, the Primary Target, the "Stop at All Costs" market upon which every other market depends to be viable.

Everyday there is some sort of market report for anything, such as bonds, employment, CPI, heck, any indicator. No matter what is being reported, it necessary to whack gold to justify whatever market indicator is being reported.

It's pretty obvious that all other markets require that gold does NOT become "a market." If gold did become "a market" of choice, then every other market would show up as having flaws because they all depend of the fiat U.S. Dollar, period.

So basically, there's really only two real markets:

1. Gold

2. Everything else

What this boils down to is that no matter what F-TV is reporting on, it's all a confidence game to keep the perception going that "it's business as usual." All official financial reporting is falsified as to what the real numbers are, OR what it really means.

The physical gold market is not mentioned on F-TV, only the paper prices which of course are manipulated to keep the false perception going, so that TPTB and remain TPTB. Screw the truth and the law.


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