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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: The weekend is half over....

I know you're only half serious Cock, but you bring up an interesting point...

There are many sayings that attempt to show that the world is an infinitely complex system that very often cannot be controlled or adjusted to anyone's inclination, as much as the government likes to believe it can be. In fact, we have become familiar with exactly how the powers that be, thinking they can control the situation, often make things many times worse! ie. wage and price controls, stimulating the economy by increasing debt, etc.

One such saying is..."Killing him or her with kindness"

Another is..."Be careful what U wish for...U might get it!"

If U were the king of the world, and a people lover, U might stop all war, famine, pestilence, and give free medical aid to one and ALL...and in ten years find that the world population had doubled to 16 billion people, and a point where resources were being used twice as quickly as today. Many scientists believe (as I do) that our current population is unsustainable on the earth, and that without oil-based technologies - fertilizer, transportation etc, the world can only sustain about 2 billion comfortably.

The Club of Rome has studied these facts on computer simulations since the early 1970's.

So, to all the short-term thinkers out there, who would legislate an end to the world's problems...good luck!

Many people on this board I know are 100% against "The New World Order" as those greedy villains are only out for themselves!...well, aren't we all? Why else are we here?

If any of us could network with a bunch of other guys/gals that could control the direction the world is heading, wouldn't we jump at the opportunity?! What would U do? Make everyone worship the same Idol? Kill all the bankers?

The first thing NWO would probably do is use various methods to reduce the world population to sustainable levels...something which must eventually happen anyways! This would eventually save billions of future children from starvation! WOW.

In the natural world, we call that "culling the herd"...and we do it all the time.

This is all just a long-winded way to say..."It's a jungle out there" and "Survival of the fittest"..."Go with the flow" and "Bend before U break". Strive to do your best to stay alive and prosperous - help those you love to do the same.

But my personal favorite is "Stop whining!"

"The universe will unfold as it should" and there's nothing that U can do to stop it...except perhaps to make it worse!

lotus petals,


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